Severn Marina
Mobile Services at your location
705 795-6364
Welcome to Affordable Dockage in Scenic Muskoka
Severn Marina
Are you looking for a clean, convenient, affordable Marina to dock in the Muskoka/ Severn Area?
Well... look no further than Severn Marina. We hope you will take a few moments and look around and see what we have to offer, from convenient summer dockage to professional winterizing services and storage, close is all amenities.
Paradise is closer than you think... We are located just at the entrance to Muskoka in Port Severn on the Trent Severn Waterways, steps to historic Lock 45, your gateway to Georgian Bay. With 2 convenient exits (Exit 153 & 156) off highway 400 and all within 60 - 90 mins from the GTA.